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Circularising Organics Project

What is Circularising Organics?

Circularising Organics recognises the value of organic material (such as food scraps, garden waste, industry waste, cropping waste etc) and keeps them in a constant cycle. Instead of sending organic materials to landfill or burning them, they can be composted, mulched etc and applied to soils. But there is a lot more to it!

Why is it important?

Organics sent to landfill represent a loss of nutrients; and if broken down in a landfill, organic materials create methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Research available to use

Waikato Regional Council and a team of researchers created resources to help organisations make decisions around organic waste and to create circular organics systems in the Waikato region and beyond. The research report and decision-making tool are available on this page.

Why we did the research

Image - graphic showing recycling for Circularising Organics projectWaikato Regional Council facilitates the Waikato Regional Waste Prevention Action Plan 2020-2025 and aims to achieve waste prevention and the development of a circular economy for the region.

Findings of the Circularising Organics project can be used by organisations to develop robust and resilient organics material systems. This can lead to improved soil health, growth of healthy food, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, new jobs and increased mana.  

Circularising Organics - research report

The Circularising Organics project has been coordinated by Waikato Regional Council and carried out by a team of researchers. Researchers fulfilled their own area of study based on their expertise while meeting regularly to share findings and identify common themes. You can read the researcher findings and reports in this compilation document. 

Decision Making Tool - matrix for organic materials

The Decision Making Tool has been developed to help council staff and decision makers navigate the decision making process on the appropriate management for organic materials. 

View and use the tool

Project supporters and contributors

Project supporters

Thank you for the financial support for this project, which has been received from the Waste Minimisation Fund, which is administered by the Ministry for the Environment.

The Ministry for the Environment does not necessarily endorse or support the content of the publication in any way.

Thank you also for the financial support received from the Waikato Wellbeing Project.

Project contributors

Thank you to our project contributors:

Tonkin + Taylor
Whetū Consultancy Group
Sunshine Yates Consulting
The Rubbish Trip