Management programme |
Site-led (Hūnua Ranges Pest Management Area) |
Objective |
Provide advice and information on feral goat control (Waikato Regional Council) and reduce their impacts within the Hūnua Ranges Pest Management Area (Auckland Council) |
Impacts |
Economic, biodiversity, soil resources |
Goats (Capra hircus) were introduced to New Zealand in the 1770s. They were first liberated as a food source and to clear weeds on developing land, and later to provide fibre for commercial industries. Goats were easily domesticated, and as a result were moved throughout the country as land was cleared for farming and settlement. Populations of feral goats have largely been a result of escapees from farms and deliberate releases. They occupy a wide range of habitats from the coast to upland areas, living in introduced and native grasslands, scrub and forest.

What do they look like?
Male goats stand around 70cm high at the shoulder and can grow to 1.5m in length, weighing between 50-60kg. Adult females are considerably smaller. Both sexes may have coats of white, black, brown or a combination of these, and have horns. Male goats have chin beards and a pungent smell. Both sexes have a flat tail that is bare on the underside.
Why are they a pest?
Unlike domestic goats, feral goats don't have any identification or branding, and are not contained.
Feral (used with the same meaning as ‘wild’ under the Wild Animal Control Act 1977) goats are browsers rather than grazers. They cause considerable damage to understorey vegetation that is within reach, up to 2m above the ground. They also damage young trees in exotic forests, and shrubs and trees in soil-conservation, riparian and restoration planting. The effect of goats destroying undergrowth through browsing and trampling, coupled with the effects of possums browse in the canopy, results in significant and often permanent damage to native vegetation; regeneration may be halted and palatable species completely lost from areas.
Goats are agile animals, able to exploit steep and rocky hill slopes and bluff areas unsuitable to other animals. The loss of vegetation in these areas can lead to increased soil erosion. Goats were recognised as a threat to New Zealand’s native vegetation from the 1890s and were identified as a major pest in the 1930s.
Where can you find them?
Feral goats are widespread throughout the Waikato region. Populations are generally highest on reverting farmland on steep hill country, but they are also found in exotic and indigenous forests, scrub and shrublands.
They are hardy animals and will adapt to most environmental conditions. Their characteristic habitat is forest or scrub covered hill slopes, but they will move to grasslands where the opportunity arises.
How can I control them?
One of the best methods of control for private occupiers is shooting. Every person shooting must either hold a firearms licence or be under supervision of a person who holds a firearms licence and is over 20 years of age. You should inform your neighbours where and when you intend to shoot. This may be an opportunity to co-ordinate your efforts with neighbours.
More information
- For information and advice on feral goat control, contact Waikato Regional Council on freephone 0800 0800 800 401.
- For information in relation to the Hūnua Ranges Pest Management Area, contact Auckland Council on 09 301 0101 or email
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