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Our Whitianga office will be closed to the public on Wednesday, 22 January. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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Making a submission

Have your say

You have the right to express your views on activities that affect you.

Anyone applying for a consent has to consider how the proposed activity might affect other people. We encourage you to talk with the applicant if you have concerns about how the proposal will affect you or your property.

Anybody, person or party, may make a submission on a notified consent application. If the application is processed via a limited notification, then only identified affected persons are able to make a submission. If you are identified as an affected person, the Council will serve notice of the application on you, inviting you to make a submission. There are no costs from Waikato Regional Council when making a submission.

Making a submission

Submissions can only be made on notified applications. Make sure that you fully understand what the application is about and what the effects will be. Talk first with the applicant, Waikato Regional Council staff and your own professional advisers.

There may be other people, such as neighbours or a local environmental group, who feel the same way as you about a proposed activity. The Resource Management Act enables parties to pool their resources and make a joint submission. You can do this by forming a community group and appointing a spokesperson. Equal consideration is given to joint submissions and individual submissions from the same people. If you make a joint submission, make sure that you clearly identify a contact person.

Agreements are often reached without going through the formal hearing process.

Preparing your submission

Your submission will be more effective if it is specific and to the point. Only discuss issues that can be addressed under the Resource Management Act and are relevant to the resource consents being sought.

The public notice will provide details for viewing the application and contacting the applicant. Make sure you carefully read the application and its assessment of environmental effects (AEE). If you need more information on anything, ask the applicant or Waikato Regional Council staff.

Think about how the proposal will affect you and why you want to make a submission. Be clear about which part of the proposal your views relate to and consider the ways your concerns can be addressed. Concentrate on the most important points you want the council to consider.

Your submission may either be in support of the proposal, in opposition, or it may just be an expression of your views (neutral submission).

A good submission clearly explains your reasons for making it and provides information that supports your views. It helps other people understand and take account of your concerns. You are entitled, as a submitter, to engage technical experts (e.g. planners, engineers, scientists, etc.) to provide expert evidence to support your case. You are responsible for meeting the costs of this input. Also, any expert evidence is required to be pre-circulated to the other parties (applicant, Council and other submitters), prior to the hearing.

Lodging a submission

Your submission must be in the format specified on form 13. You need to either complete our form below, or create your form using the same format.

Don’t leave it to the last minute. If your submission is late we may not be able to accept it. The closing date and time will be specified in the public notice, and you usually have 20 working days following public notification to make your submission. Allow plenty of time for posting or couriers.


You then have to send your submission to Waikato Regional Council, and you must also send a copy of it to the consent applicant.

You can send your submission by:

  • Post: Waikato Regional Council, Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
  • Fax: 07 859 0998
  • Email:
  • The applicant's address and details will be given in the public notice.