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Our Whitianga office will be closed to the public on Wednesday, 22 January. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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Earthworks guidelines, factsheets and as-built certification sheets

For technical support and access to the spreadsheet to assist in ensuring that sediment retention ponds and culverts are sized correctly, contact McConnell Consultancy LTD at


You can download ‘Erosion and Sediment Control – Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities’ via the above link. 

Please note the following sections are no longer relevant, and you will need instead to refer to the corresponding fact sheets:

  • 3. Sediment Control Practices
  • 3.1 Sediment Retention Pond
  • 3.2 Silt Fence
  • 3.4 Hay Bale Barrier (these are no longer considered suitable control devices)
  • 3.6  Decanting Earth Bund
TR 2009/02 - Erosion and sediment control guidelines for soil disturbing activities

Erosion and sediment control plan preparation guideline

Almost every site will require an erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP).

The guideline below will help you prepare your ESCP. Use these guidelines when planning your earthworks project to develop an erosion and sediment control plan, and to prepare your project’s resource consent application if one is required. Note that granted resource consents will most likely require compliance with these guidelines. The guidelines should be used as best practice on permitted activity sites as well.

Winter works guideline

Most resource consents will require works to stop between 30 April and 30 September, unless written approval is obtained from the Waikato Regional Council.

This guideline is to assist you with making your application to continue works through the winter works shut down period.

Pre-construction meeting checklist

Most resource consents will require a pre-construction meeting with relevant parties involved in the project.

The checklist below will assist you with topics to discuss and agree upon with the Waikato Regional Council representative prior to commencement of works.

You can edit directly into this PDF (you might need to check or update your software to do this - you'll need Acrobat Reader). Make sure you save it out to your desktop before you start editing, if you start editing in the original version on this webpage, your changes won't save.

As-built certification sheets

Most resource consents will require ESCs to have as-builts undertaken, and to be certified that they have been constructed in accordance with the approved ESCP or Waikato Regional Council's erosion and sediment control guidelines.

These sheets are to assist you with the information required for the as built certifications.

Download the sheets below: