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Consultation on resource consent applications

Resource consents

Consultation is an important part of the application process, and helps identify:

  • how other people may be affected by your proposal
  • how you can adjust your proposal to avoid any negative effects.

Consultation should start well before the application process – you may need to allow 6 months or more for consultation for large, complex projects.

You should discuss your proposal with everyone who is interested in, or is likely to be affected by, your proposed activity.  Everyone you consult with should be provided with all relevant information on your proposal, and should have the opportunity to give their feedback in writing.  We have a consultation form that helps you with this process.

Who should you consult with?

Make sure you discuss your proposal with everyone who is interested in, or is likely to be affected by, your proposed activity. 

There are a range of people and parties who you should, or may need to, consider. These include:

  • Your neighbours. For example talking to your downstream neighbours if you want to discharge dairy effluent into a drain on your property, or talking to people in your area who may be affected if you are thinking of taking a large volume of groundwater for irrigation purposes.
  • Local iwi. See below for more information.
  • Department of Conservation (DOC).
  • Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game.
  • Your local district or city council.
  • Relevant environmental and interest groups, such as the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society.

Talk with us first. We can help you to identify just who you’ll need to consult with.  

Include details of your consultation in your application

Ask everyone you consulted with to give you written comments to include with your application. Report their views and whether you’ve changed your proposal to take their views into account.

Clearly identify the people you have consulted with in your application, including their:

  • name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • who they represent (for example, your neighbour, district council, local iwi or an environmental group)

Ask those consulted whether they are willing to give you their written approval for your proposal.  Make sure that you explain to them that this means that Waikato Regional Council will regard them as 'not affected' by the application when it is lodged. 

Applications that include written approvals for activities that are likely to have minimal affect on the environment may not have to be notified. This can save you time and money.

Iwi consultation and matters

Iwi Environmental Management Plans that iwi have published, plus other information that will be useful to you.

Read more

Consultation form

You need all consulted parties to provide you with written comment on your proposal. To make this easier, you can print off the form below, and provide copies of it to all parties.

Include all the completed forms with your application.