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Air emission inventory - Te Awamutu, Turangi and Ngaruawahia 2006

TR 2006/43

Report: TR 2006/43
Author: E Wilton (Environet Ltd)


Air quality monitoring and other air quality investigations are required to better characterise the extent of NES compliance within the region. Air quality monitoring in the Waikato region has been carried out in Hamilton, Tokoroa, Taupo, Te Kuiti and Matamata. Concentrations of PM10 in excess of National Environment Standards (NES) have been observed in all of these towns excluding Matamata. Emission inventory studies, which estimate the quantity of PM10 and other contaminants discharged into air and the relative contribution of different sources, have been carried out in these areas.

This report outlines the results of an air emission inventory carried out in the areas of Te Awamutu, Turangi and Ngaruawahia. Contaminants included were: particles (PM10 and PM2.5), carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide. This report primarily focuses on emissions of particles (PM10), as the only contaminant in breach of the NES in the Waikato region. Sources included in the inventory were domestic heating, motor vehicles, industrial and commercial activities, and outdoor rubbish burning.

Air emission inventory - Te Awamutu, Turangi and Ngaruawahia 2006 [PDF, 369 KB]