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Legislation requires councils to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of our communities. 

This is embedded in our purpose: Working together for a Waikato region that has a healthy environment, vibrant communities and strong economy.

A healthy environment enables communities to thrive. If we get that right, then we’ll have a strong economy. And that’s what we’re here to do – create a sustainable future for people today and generations to come.

Some of our core activities – such as flood and drainage infrastructure, public transport and resource management – clearly promote or influence economic activity and wellbeing.

But what should our role in economic development be beyond these core activities?

To date, it has involved a funding partnership with Te Waka, the region’s economic development agency, as well as a fund we established for projects that provide a win-win for both the economy and environment.

Consultation has now closed with hearings and deliberations taking place this month. There were 293 submissions on this proposal.

Image - What we're proposing

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