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Regional Transport Committee

Meeting information

Committee responsibilities

This Committee is responsible for:

Undertaking the functions prescribed by section 106 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and providing a regional forum for the consideration of regionally significant transport matters including:

  • Preparing the Regional Land Transport Plan for the approval of, and adoption by Waikato Regional Council (section 106(1)(a) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
  • Adopting a policy that determines significance (RLT Significance Policy) in respect to (refer section 106(2) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003):
    • variations made to the Regional Land Transport Plan under section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003; and
    • the activities that are included in the Regional Land Transport Plan under section 16 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
  • Preparing and adopting variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan that do not trigger the RLT Significance Policy.
  • Preparing variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan that trigger the RLT Significance Policy for adoption by Waikato Regional Council.
  • Reviewing the Regional Land Transport Plan as required including in the six-month period before the expiry of its third year.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan.
  • Providing Waikato Regional Council with any advice and assistance it requests in relation to its transport responsibilities, including promoting the strategic integration of land use and strategic planning (section 106(1)(b) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003).
  • Preparing and approving the Regional Road Safety Strategy.
  • Advocating for regional land transport strategic priorities (such as road safety), including the development of plans, strategies, and policies.
  • Carrying out any functions required of the Committee by regulations made under section 109(1)(c) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
  • Submitting on policies, plans, and consultation documents issued by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, the Ministry of Transport, regional and territorial local authorities, and other relevant organisations.
  • Engaging and collaborating with other regional transport committees on strategic regional and inter-regional transport matters through working parties and similar.
  • Considering advice and recommendations from the Waikato Regional Advisory Group.
  • Overseeing public transport delivery outside of the Future Proof Metro Public Transport area.
  • Preparing the Regional Speed Management Plan and any subsequent variations to that Plan.
  • Preparing the Regional Public Transport Plan (taking advice from the Metro Transport Subcommittee in respect to the territorial areas of Hamilton City, Matamata-Piako District, Waikato District and Waipā District Councils (Future Proof Sub-region) for adoption by Waikato Regional Council.
  • Preparing variations to the Regional Public Transport Plan (taking advice from the Metro Transport Subcommittee in respect to the Future Proof Sub-region) that meet the definition of “significant” set out in the Regional Public Transport Plan for adoption by Waikato Regional Council.
  • Adopting non-significant (as defined in the Regional Public Transport Plan) variations to the Regional Public Transport Plan that do not affect the Future Proof Sub-region.
  • Considering and making recommendations on matters relevant to regional implementation and monitoring of the Regional Public Transport Plan.

Committee members

Waikato Regional Council Members: Cr Mich’eal Downard (Chair), Cr Angela Strange (Deputy Chair). 

Other Committee Members: Deputy-Mayor Angela O’Leary (Hamilton City Council), Cr Phillip Buckthought (Hauraki District Council), Mayor Adrienne Wilcock (Matamata-Piako District Council), Cr Rodney Dow (Ōtorohanga District Council), Deputy-Mayor Hamish Daine (South Waikato District Council), Deputy-Mayor Kevin Taylor (Taupō District Council), Mayor Len Salt (Thames-Coromandel District Council), Cr Eugene Patterson (Waikato District Council), Cr Claire St Pierre (Waipā District Council), Cr Janette Osborne (Waitomo District Council), Andrew Corkill (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency), Angus Hodgson (Kiwirail - non-voting). 

Alternate Committee Members: Cr Maxine van Oosten (Hamilton City Council), Cr Josh Martyn (Hauraki District Council), Deputy-Mayor James Thomas (Matamata-Piako District Council), Cr Steve Hughes (Ōtorohanga District Council), Cr Bill Machen (South Waikato District Council), Mayor David Trewavas, Cr Sandra Greenslade (Taupō District Council), Cr John Morrissey (Thames-Coromandel District Council), Cr David Whyte (Waikato District Council), Cr Mike Pettit (Waipā District Council), Mayor John Robertson (Waitomo District Council), Lyndon Hammond (Kiwirail - non-voting), Kathy Harward (CCS Disability Action - non-voting). 

Meeting information

The future meeting dates and times published on this page are unconfirmed until the publication of the agenda.

NOTE: We only put up information on our website for meetings held over the previous 2 years. If you're looking for something from an earlier date, please ask us - just fill out and submit an online request for service form.


Livestreams provide an overview of the proceedings of the meeting and are not intended to clearly identify on all occasions who is speaking or other details. The meeting is webcast from one fixed position and does not move to each speaker or zoom in and out. Those with a particular interest are encouraged to view the Teams recordings available within two working days from the date of the the meeting and the meeting minutes which are available as soon as possible on this page.

2025 Meetings


Date and time



10th March 2025, 9.30am


7.5. Roads of National Significance Presentation

7.5. Cambridge to Piarere Expressway Concept

7.10. Regional Waka Kotahi NZTA Presentation

7.11. Update from KiwiRail Presentation


Recording #1

Recording #2

9th June 2025, 9.30am
8th September 2025, 9.30am
8th December 2025, 9.30am