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Lake Taupō Protection Project Joint Committee

Meeting information

Committee responsibilities

This Committee is responsible for governing the Lake Taupō Protection Project for its term and until the Trust has been wound up.

Committee members

Waikato Regional Council Members: Cr Mich’eal Downard, Cr Stuart Kneebone.

Taupō District Council: Cr Kylie Leonard, Cr John Williamson.

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board: Trustee Peter Shepherd, Trustee Tangonui Kingi.

Crown: Gwyn Morgan (Ministry for Primary Industries), Lorena Stephens
(Ministry for the Environment).

Meeting information

The future meeting dates and times published on this page are unconfirmed until the publication of the agenda.

NOTE: We only put up information on our website for meetings held over the previous 2 years. If you're looking for something from an earlier date, please ask us - just fill out and submit an online request for service form.

2023 Meetings

Date and time Agenda Minutes Additional Documents Recordings
28 April 2023, 10.30am Agenda Minutes Recording

23 June 2023, 10.00am


15 September 2023, 10.00am


15 December 2023, 10.00am