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Waikato Scheme Subcommittee

Meeting information

Subcommittee responsibilities

This is a subcommittee of the Integrated Catchment Management Committee and is responsible for the provision of local community advice to the Integrated Catchment Management Committee in relation to:

  • Proposed annual flood protection and river management activities undertaken as part of the Lower Waikato Waipā Control Scheme.
  • Proposed annual land drainage activities undertaken as part of the Waikato Central, Franklin-Waikato and Aka Aka-Otaua land drainage schemes.
  • Scheme reviews and level of service reviews.
  • Other matters impacting the operation, maintenance, and renewal of the flood protection and land drainage infrastructure within the above schemes.
  • Priority areas for scheme investment.

Subcommittee members

Waikato Regional Council Members: Cr Noel Smith (Chair); Cr Robert Cookson (Deputy Chair), Cr Tipa Mahuta.

Other Committee Members: Matthew Dean, John Fransen, Will Murphy, Mike Peters, Trevor Simpson (targeted ratepayers, Lower Waikato Waipā Control Scheme); Syd Goodwright, Campbell Shuker (targeted ratepayers, Aka Aka-Otaua land drainage area); Brendan Balle, Craig Graham, Chris Woolerton (targeted ratepayers, land drainage subdivisions within the Franklin-Waikato and Waikato-Central land drainage areas); Michelle Lewis (Department of Conservation); David Payne (Mercury Energy); Cr Eugene Patterson (Waikato District Council); Cr Maxine van Oosten (Hamilton City Council).

Alternate Committee Members: Cr Pamela Storey (Waikato Regional Council); Peter Buckley (Targeted ratepayer, Lower Waikato Waipā Control Scheme); Craig Stobie (Targeted ratepayer, land drainage subdivisions within the Franklin-Waikato and Waikato-Central land drainage areas); Eddie Neha (Department of Conservation); Cr Keith Martin (Waikato District Council).

Meeting information

The future meeting dates and times published on this page are unconfirmed until the publication of the agenda.

NOTE: We only put up information on our website for meetings held over the previous 2 years. If you're looking for something from an earlier date, please ask us - just fill out and submit an online request for service form.


Livestreams provide an overview of the proceedings of the meeting and are not intended to clearly identify on all occasions who is speaking or other details. The meeting is webcast from one fixed position and does not move to each speaker or zoom in and out. Those with a particular interest are encouraged to view the Teams recordings available within two working days from the date of the the meeting and the meeting minutes which are available as soon as possible on this page.

2025 Meetings

Date and time Documents Recording

Wednesday, 12 February 2025, 9.30am





Recording 1

Recording 2

Wednesday, 23 July 2025, 9.30am






2024 meetings

Date and time Documents Recording

1 March 2024, 9.30am


Agenda Addendum



4 October 2024, 9.30am



Recording #1

Recording #2


2023 meetings