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Waikato land use 2023 (Waikato Integrated Scenario Explorer, WISE)

TR 2025/04


The Waikato Integrated Scenario Explorer (WISE) model is a dynamic spatial tool developed for the Waikato region to help evaluate effects and trade-offs of long-term, future-focused planning policies and scenarios. The WISE model evaluates the cumulative effects of decisions and their environmental, economic, social, and cultural links and trade-offs with context to space and time.

Periodically, the WISE model's baseline data, which it utilises for scenario analysis, and to develop the Waikato land use, population and economic projections requires updates. This document details updates related to land use, zoning, overlays (such as precincts and natural hazards), and future growth areas.

Report ID and authors

Report: TR 2025/04

Authors: Beca Ltd