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Indigenous coverage of protected areas on land

TR 2022/13

Report: TR 2022/13

Authors: Karen Denyer (Papawera Consulting), Daniel Tait (Waikato Regional Council)


This technical report documents the extent of legally protected indigenous habitat on land in the Waikato region. It is based on 2018 land cover and 2022 legal protection overlays.

Waikato Regional Council monitors changes in the amount and proportions of indigenous vegetation and lightly vegetated or un-vegetated natural land cover that is in some form of legal protection, including government reserves and private protected land.

This document reports on what land cover types are protected, who is protecting it, and where it is protected. It also reports on 5-yearly changes in the extent of vegetation and natural land cover that is under some form of legal protection, and the proportion of land protected in each Threatened Environment.