Waikato Progress Indicators - Tupuranga Waikato: Summary update June 2021
Report: TR 2021/12
Author: Beat Huser and Paul Killerby (APR Consultants)
This document summarises latest results from the Waikato Progress Indicators (WPI) – Tupuranga Waikato monitoring programme, updated in May 2021. The WPI is an online dashboard of 32 environmental, social, cultural and economic indicators, see www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/wpi/.
The WPI dashboard provides an overview of the economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the Waikato region and helps gauge progress towards Waikato Regional Council’s (WRC’s) Strategic Direction. Selected measures relevant to Council’s activities are included in WRC’s Annual Report.
The data and website information are refreshed annually.
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