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Model structure for the economic model utilised within the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process

TR 2018/52-1

Report: TR 2018/52-1

Author: Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato)

About this report

This report was commissioned by the Technical Leaders Group for the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project Report No. HR/TLG/2015-2016/4.8

The primary objective of this document is to outline the structure of the HRWO economic model utilised at the farm- and catchment-scale, focused on the sources of information and the presentation of the model code.

This report is structured as follows: Section 2 focuses on the model type and the sources of model data, Section 3 describes the model code, and Section 4 concludes. The code for the model itself is presented in Appendix 1 (provided as a separate document due to its length). Appendix 1 can be provided upon request as a PDF (TR 2018/52-2).

Read or download the report

Model structure for the economic model utilised within the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process [PDF, 789 KB]