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Surf breaks of regional significance in the Waikato region - June 2017

TR 2017/19

Report: TR 2017/19

Authors: Ed Atkin and Shaw Mead (eCoast)

About this report

Surf breaks are unique and valuable components of the coastal environment, which have cultural, spiritual, recreational, and sporting value to many people in New Zealand.

The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS; 2010) requires local government to protect surf breaks of national significance, four of which are in the Waikato Region, and requires local government to consider the natural character of surf breaks in decision-making.

There is a need, therefore, to compile available information on all surf breaks in the Waikato region. This project was primarily driven by that need for adequate information to implement the NZCPS, and for the Coastal Plan Review.

This project aimed to identify and characterise the surf breaks of regional significance in the Waikato Region. In total, 38 surf breaks were determined to be of regional significance and these are described in the report.

Furthermore, this project aimed to estimate the swell corridors (i.e. the area offshore of the surf break through which ocean swell travels before it reaches the surf break) for each of the identified surf breaks of regional significance. The swell corridors are mapped in the report and also provided as GIS files.

Furthermore, it includes a broad-scale assessment of the potential risks to surf breaks from activities or pressures such as coastal development, water quality, sea level rise, or changes in sediment supply.

This report should provide a useful information source for the Coastal Plan Review, and assist with the management of this resource.

Read or download the report

Surf breaks of regional significance in the Waikato region – June 2017 [PDF, 2.8 MB]

1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Identification and Characterisation of Surf Break Areas
4 Swell Corridors
5 Risk Assessment
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
7 References
  Appendix A: Model Levels Breakdown