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Significant natural areas of the Otorohanga district: terrestrial and wetland ecosystems

TR 2016/36

Report: TR 2016/36

Author: Wildlands Consultants Limited 

About this report

Waikato Regional Council identifies and prioritises significant natural areas (SNA) as an important part of protecting natural areas, to maintain indigenous biodiversity and to safeguard the life-supporting capacity of ecosystems. This process is required under (Section 6(c) of RMA) to maintain and enhance biodiversity.

The objectives of the project is setting up inventories by Biodiversity Vegetation GIS mapping, using Waikato Regional Council policy statement criteria to identify SNA and prioritising SNA sites for biodiversity management in Otorohanga district. This project aims to identify and rank sites of high biodiversity value, and outline the management procedures that may be required to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the region.

Five hundred and twelve (512) SNA were identified within the Otorohanga district. These areas cover c.58, 050 ha, or 28% of the district. forty-two threatened, at risk, or notable animal species, one threatened fungus species, and 42 threatened, at risk, or notable vascular plant species have been recorded in the Otorohanga district.

This report provides the background and summary of a baseline inventory and ranking of SNA covering terrestrial (including islands and sand dunes) and wetland ecosystems in the Otorohanga District. The SNA inventory will provide a regional context for biodiversity assets and priority sites for management and monitoring. This information is essential to the implementation of the Regional Policy Statement, the Pest Management Strategy and district council biodiversity goals, as well as meeting objectives identified in Waikato Regional Council's Long Term Plan.

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Significant natural areas of the Otorohanga district: terrestrial and wetland ecosystems
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