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Sheep and beef winter grazing management practices in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments: quantitative study 2013

TR 2014/37

Report: TR 2014/37

Author: Emma Reed and Versus Research Limited

About this report

The purpose of this research was to quantify sheep and beef farmers’ winter grazing management practices and their decisions by conducting a survey. The survey was undertaken with a statistically representative sample of the sheep and beef farmer population in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments. The focus of the report is on winter grazing management practices which affect nutrient management. 

Read or download the report

Sheep and beef winter grazing management practices in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments: quantitative study 2013 [PDF, 2.4 MB]

  Executive summary
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical framework
3 Research objectives
4 Method
4.1 Sample
4.2 Calling statistics
5 Analysis and reporting
5.1 Subgroups
5.2 Margin of error
5.3 Significance tests
5.4 Display of data
6 Sample profile
6.1 Geographic characteristics
6.2 Farm characteristics
6.3 Role on farm
7 Fertilisers and soils
7.1 Application of capital fertiliser
7.2 Application of phosphate as a maintainence fertiliser
7.3 Application of nitrogen fertiliser
7.4 Making decisions about fertiliser usage
7.5 Frequency of soil testing
7.6 Olsen P scores
7.7 Fertiliser management plans, nutrient budgets and nutrient management plans
8 Winter cropping
8.1 Growing a winter crop
8.2 Topography of a winter cropping area
8.3 Growing winter crops to fill a feed deficit
8.4 Growing winter crops for pasture renewal
8.5 Stock grazing crops to bare soil
9 Waterlogged soils and pugging
9.1 Waterlogging
9.2 Pugging
10 Management of sacrifice paddocks
10.1 Sacrifice paddocks
10.2 Topography of a sacrifice 
10.3 Characteristics of sacrifice paddock
11 Managing stock types over winter
11.1 Bulls
11.2 Dairy heifers
11.3 Dairy cows
11.4 Sheep
11.5 Lambs
11.6 Beef cattle
12 Riparian and wet area management
12.1 Managing waterways on farms
12.2 Riparian planting
12.3 Presence of wetlands, swamps or boggy areas on farms
12.4 Installing culverts or bridges on stock crossings
13 Farmer awareness and involvement in local groups and projects
13.1 Awareness of local groups and projects 
13.2 Involvement with local groups and projects
13.3 Useful actions to support environmental management
Appendix 1: questionnaire
Appendix 2: Map of the Waikato and Waipa River catchments