Lake Taupō long-term monitoring programme 2010-2011
Report: TR 2012/24
Author: M Gibbs (NIWA)
The monitoring programme has three components: bottom water oxygen depletion, upper water column water quality, and whole water column water quality.
The first profile is taken in spring, when thermal stratification has become established and is stable, the second profile in autumn the following year before thermal stratification begins to break down, as the thermocline deepens.
This report presents data from the routine mid-lake monitoring station from August 2010 to July 2011. Additional information for water clarity, temperature, and chlorophyll a collected between August 2011 and the time of beginning this report has also been included in the data sets in the appendices..
Lake Taupo long-term monitoring programme 2010-2011 [PDF, 1 MB]
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