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Geothermal vegetation of the Waikato region - An update based on 2007 aerial photographs

TR 2011/29

Report: TR 2011/29

Author: Wildland Consultants Ltd 2011


This study was undertaken for Waikato Regional Council and provides an inventory of the current distribution and extent of geothermal vegetation in the region, and assessment of the relative significance of each site. This information will enable management of the varied characteristics of the geothermal resource, as required by the Waikato Regional Policy Statement. This report collates information from a number of previous reports undertaken by Wildland Consultants for Waikato Regional Council between 2004 and 2007, as well as updated information based on site inspections of selected sites, improved knowledge about sites from other studies, and inspection of better quality aerial photographs (2007 WRAPS) than were present during the 2004 study (which was based on 2002 aerial photographs).