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Priorities for Pest Plant Control, Pest Animal Control, and Fencing at Geothermal Sites in the Waikato Region in 2011

TR 2011/28

Report: TR 2011/28

Author: Wildland Consultants Ltd 2011


In 2006, Wildland Consultants undertook an assessment (Wildland Consultants 2006b) for the Waikato Regional Council of 40 geothermal sites in the Waikato Region for pest plant control, pest animal control, and fencing requirements that had been assessed in Wildland Consultants (2004). Wildland Consultants (2004) was an inventory of the distribution, extent, and ecological values of geothermal vegetation at 40 sites in the Waikato Region based on an assessment of 2003 aerial photographs and field survey for 39 sites between 2003 and 2004. Information on ecological threats and management requirements to the geothermal vegetation and features at these sites was collected as part of this study. The 2004 report has recently been updated (Wildland Consultants 2011) based on a combination of field assessments at selected sites and a desktop assessment of 2007 aerial photographs. This updated inventory now includes 64 geothermal sites.

This report updates Wildland Consultants (2006b) based on the latest information collected during the fieldwork and desktop assessments undertaken for Waikato Regional Council between 2010 and 2011 and includes assessments of pest plant control, pest animal control, and fencing requirements for all 64 sites assessed in Wildland Consultants (2011).