From eyesore to asset– Care Groups review - June 2011
Report: TR 2011/24
Author: Helen Ritchie
This review was carried out to document the value and contribution of Waikato Care Groups, the challenges they face and their potential to address regional issues in the future.
Care Groups are community groups taking action locally to enhance natural resources such as water, soil, biodiversity and coastlines. (Note, however, that beachcare groups were outside the scope of this review.)
Information sources reviewed for this study included existing documents and databases held by the the Waikato Regional Council, and the proposed Regional Policy Statement (as an indication of significant regional issues). In addition, data was drawn from a questionnaire developed by the Waikato Biodiversity Forum, and from 12 interviews carried out with a sample of Waikato Care Groups. In interpreting the results, comparison was made to an earlier (1995) review of Care Groups. Emerging themes were presented at a Care Groups’ networking day for feedback.
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