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Air Quality Monitoring Report for Hamilton, Tokoroa, Taupo,Te Kuiti, Matamata, Putaruru, Ngaruawahia, Waihi and Turangi – 2010

TR 2011/07

Report: TR 2011/07
Author: E Wilton (Environet Ltd)


The main air contaminant of concern in the Waikato and most other urban areas of New Zealand is PM10 (particles in the air less than 10 microns in diameter).  The Ministry for the Environment specifies that the National Environmental Standard (NES) for PM10 of 50 µg m-3 (24-hour average, one allowable exceedence per year) must be achieved by September 2016 in all urban areas of the Waikato with the exception of Tokoroa.  Tokoroa is required to achieve three exceedences by September 2016 and reduce PM10 to meet the NES by September 2020.  The NES requires air quality monitoring to take place in areas that are likely to exceed the standard for PM10.

During 2010, PM10 monitoring was carried out at Hamilton, Tokoroa, Taupo, Te Kuiti, Matamata, Putaruru, Ngaruawahia, Waihi and Turangi.  Monitoring for benzene, toluene and xylenes also took place in Hamilton. This report compares PM10 concentrations measured in these areas to the NES for PM10 and to the Ministry for the Environment’s air quality guidelines and indicator categories.