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Hydrodynamic modelling of tsunami inundation in Whitianga

TR 2011/01

Report: TR 2011/01

Author: G Prasetya, Prof. TR Healy, Dr. W de Lange (Coastal Marine Group, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences - University of Waikato)

About this report

In 2006, Waikato Regional Council provided research funding for the Coastal Marine Group, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Waikato to undertake research on the impacts of tsunami inundation on Whitianga town and harbour.

This report addresses the following issues:

  • Potential tsunami sources likely to significantly affect Whitianga township and lowland coastal areas.
  • The hydrodynamic (forces exerted by tsunami waves) processes and response of the bays, inlets, and adjacent coastal land areas to tsunami wave action.
  • The interaction of tsunami run up and overland flows on coastal land areas with existing infrastructure and possible future development areas.
  • Mitigation measures for the community, including, but not limited to:
    • evacuation routes
    • shelter sites
    • public infrastructure (such as power and rest homes)
    • protection of the marina, harbour, Whitianga Waterways and other coastal developments; and
    • educational outreach material for the community and visitors to the area.