Waikato Region Economy-Environment Futures Report
Report: TR 2006/51
This report is a collection of economic and environmental data for both the Waikato region and New Zealand. This data has been used to set up an input-output table for the Waikato region’s economy, incorporating various environment-economy linkages. A scenario based environment-economy futures model has also been developed to assess the possible implications of future economic change within the Waikato region.
The information collected as part of this project provides a ‘snapshot’ of the existing Waikato economy and its associated environmental linkages; this information can be used as a point of comparison when assessing the outcomes of possible economic change. The estimated 2004 GRP for the Waikato region is $12.5 billion with the number of full time equivalent employees (FTEs) estimated at 152,000. This is the fourth largest regional economy in New Zealand being responsible for some 9.0 per cent of GDP in 2004.
Waikato Region Economy-Environment Futures Report [PDF, 306 KB]
Contents | ||
Executive summary | v | |
Methodology | v | |
The Waikato region's economy and environment | v | |
Waikato region's economy 2026 | vi | |
Waikato region's environment 2026 | vi | |
1 | Introduction | 1 |
1.1 | Objectives | 1 |
1.2 | Issues | 1 |
2 | Approach | 2 |
2.1 | Establish database | 2 |
2.2 | Establish major industry trends and prospects | 6 |
2.3 | Economic and environmental impacts of major industry trends and prospects | 6 |
PART A: The Waikato region economy 2003-2004 | 7 | |
3 | The Waikato region economy 2003-2004 | 7 |
3.1 | The Waikato region economy | 7 |
3.1.1 | Gross regional product, employment and productivity by key industries | 7 |
3.1.2 | Consumption | 9 |
3.1.3 | Balance of trade | 10 |
4 | The Waikato region's economic dependence on the environment 2003-2004 | 11 |
4.1 | Introduction | 11 |
4.2 | Land use | 12 |
4.3 | Delivered energy | 12 |
4.4 | Energy related air emissions | 13 |
4.4.1 | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 13 |
4.4.2 | Nitrous oxide (N2O) | 14 |
4.4.3 | Methane (CH4) | 14 |
4.5 | Solid waste | 15 |
PART B: Qualitative and quantitative projections for the Waikato region 2006-2026 | 16 | |
5 | Quantitative projections of economic growth | 16 |
5.1 | Introduction | 16 |
5.2 | Time series analysis | 16 |
5.3 | Population projections | 17 |
5.4 | Export projections | 17 |
6 | Literature search on Waikato futures | 18 |
6.1 | The dairy industry | 19 |
6.2 | The forestry industry | 19 |
6.2.1 | Forestry and logging | 19 |
6.2.2 | Wood and wood products manufacturing | 19 |
6.2.3 | Paper and paper products manufacturing | 20 |
6.3 | Transport | 20 |
6.4 | Other service industries | 20 |
6.4.1 | Education | 20 |
6.4.2 | Utilities | 21 |
6.5 | Mining and quarrying | 21 |
6.6 | Construction | 21 |
6.7 | Tourism | 21 |
6.8 | Summary of growth prospects | 23 |
7 | In-depth interviews | 24 |
7.1 | Summary of growth prospects | 23 |
7.2 | The interview process | 24 |
7.3 | Key results | 24 |
8 | Analysis of results | 27 |
8.1 | Dairy cattle farming | 27 |
8.2 | Dairy manufacturing | 27 |
8.3 | Forestry and logging | 27 |
8.4 | Wood and paper manufacturing | 27 |
8.5 | Utilities | 28 |
8.6 | Tourism | 28 |
PART C: Scenario projections for the Waikato region 2006-2026 | 29 | |
9 | Scenario results | 29 |
9.1 | Introduction | 29 |
9.2 | Impacts on population and economy | 30 |
9.3 | Population | 30 |
9.3.1 | Employment | 30 |
9.4 | Gross regional product | 31 |
9.5 | Impacts of the economy on the environment | 32 |
9.6 | Land use | 32 |
9.6.1 | Delivered energy | 36 |
9.6.2 | Energy related air emissions | 36 |
9.6.3 | Solid waste | 39 |
10 | Policy implications and recommendations | 42 |
10.1 | Policy implications | 42 |
10.2 | Recommendations | 44 |
Appendix A | 44 | |
Appendix B | 50 | |
Appendix C | 55 | |
References | 56 |
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