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Ecohydrological characterisation of Opuatia wetland and recommendations for future management

TR 2005/17

Report: TR05/17

Author: Katrina Browne and Dave Campbell (University of Waikato), Edmund Brown


Many of the Waikato Region's wetlands have been destroyed. Opuatia Wetland is situated in the lower Waikato River catchment, North Island, New Zealand. The wetland catchment is predominantly agricultural land, and livestock which graze on the surrounding hill slopes have direct access to the wetland margins. This as well as agricultural runoff, pose a harmful source of nutrients.

Monitoring and research of the ecohydrology of Opuatia Wetland was initiated as a result of Environment Waikato's resource consent condition requirements to extend the existing Lower Waikato Flood Control Scheme. A combined effort by the University of Waikato and Environment Waikato (Waikato Regional Council) enabled a wetland monitoring network to be established in early 2003. This included vegetation plots, water table and river stage monitoring sites, a climate station and a micrometeorological station. This report outlines the findings from a MSc. research project studying the ecohydrology of Opuatia Wetland.

Ecohydrological Characterisation of Opuatia Wetland and Recommendations for Future Management [PDF, 1 MB]