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Thames Coast Investigation Report

TR 2003/10

The Thames Coast River Flood Hazard Engineering Investigation Report details Waikato Regional Council's technical investigation into river flood hazards affecting the Tararu, Te Puru, Waiomu/Pohue, Tapu and Coromandel Town communities. You can use this page to view, print or copy sections of this Report in PDF format (black and white).

Author: Greg Ryan

About the report

The Thames Coast River Flood Hazard Engineering Investigation Report was commissioned as part of the Thames Coast Project. This Project aims to deal with issues associated with river flooding in the area as part of ongoing consultation with the Thames Coast community.

The Investigation Report backgrounds the Thames Coast environment and the methodology used to measure the nature of the river flood hazards in the Thames Coast area. The Report also provides a range of mitigation options for each community, which suggest ways in which any potential effects or threats posed by hazardous flooding areas can be reduced or prevented.

Download the report

You can view, print or copy information from the Investigation Report in PDF format below.

Introduction, Background, Objective and Methodology

This section contains:

  • a brief introduction to the report
  • background information outlining the reasons why flooding is such a major issue for the Thames Coast communities
  • a brief statement of the purpose and aims of the Report and an outline of the methodology used for both the hazard and engineering assessments.

Investigation Report - Introduction, Background, Objective and Methodology [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Site Specific Design

Each PDF below outlines:

  • the hazard, risk and engineering investigation work that has been undertaken for each of the five communities
  • some possible risk mitigation options and recommends a preferred option for the community concerned.

Site Specific Design - Tararu Community and the Tararu Stream [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Site Specific Design - Te Puru Community and the Te Puru Stream [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Site Specific Design - Waiomu Community, the Waiomu Stream and the Pohue Stream [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Site Specific Design - Tapu Community and the Tapu River [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Site Specific Design - Coromandel Town and the Whangarahi Stream [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Climate Change, Environmental Management and References

This section contains:

  • the assumptions used in the report which take into account any future climate change effects
  • details on the possible effects the proposed risk mitigation works may have on the environment
  • references.

Investigation Report - Climate Change, Environmental Management and References [PDF, 84 KB]