2020/21 Annual Report | Pūrongo-ā-Tau
We love where we live and we’re committed to making the Waikato even better, both for those here now and the generations to come.
You can see the progress we’re making in our 2020/21 Annual Report | Pūrongo-ā-Tau. This is our statement to the community about our finances and our service performance from 1 July to 30 June.
Councillors adopted the 2020/21 Annual Report and Annual Report Summary on 28 October 2021, closing out the year in a positive place financially, despite the net zero increase in rates revenue introduced to support residents when COVID-19 first hit New Zealand.
Section 1: About your council | E pā ana ki tō kaunihera
Message from the chairperson and chief executive | Kōrero matua a te tiamana me te tumu whakarae
Your regional councillors | Ngā toki kaunihera me o rātou takiwā
Your region | Tō tātou rohe
Section 2: Our performance | Ngā whakatutukitanga
Our priorities | Ngā whāinga matua
Vision and Strategy for the Waikato Region | Te Ture Whaimana o te Awa o Waikato
Facilitating Māori participation | Te whakaāheitia o Ngāi Māori
Section 3: Our activities in depth | Ko te hohonutanga ō ā tātou mahi
Groups of activities | Ko ngā mahi-ā-rōpū
Community and services | Hapori me ngā ratonga
Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group | Te Rakau Whaka marumaru ā Rohe o Waikato
Regional hazards and emergency response | Mōreatanga ā rohe me te whakarata ohotata
Flood protection and control works | Ngā mahi hei ārai, hei ārahi hoki i ngā waipuke
Integrated catchment management | Te whakahaere ā- tōpū i te rauwiringa wai
Public transport | Ngā waka kawe tangata tūmatanui
Resource use | Te whakamahinga o te taiao
Science and strategy | Pūtaiao me te rautaki
Section 4: Finances | Pūtea
Financial statements
Explanation of major variances against budget
Notes to the financial statements
Group of activity funding impact statements
Financial reporting and prudence regulations
Section 5: Supplementary material | Ko ētehi atu kōrero/mea
Search and Surveillance Act reporting
Council controlled organisations | Ngā rōpū e whai mana ai Te Kaunihera
Section 6: Audit opinion | Arotake

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