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Priority possum control areas (PPCAs)

 Image - possum eating a snail Priority possum control areas (PPCAs) are areas of land that Waikato Regional Council have identified as needing possum control in order to:

  • protect and enhance biodiversity (including improving the stability of catchments)
  • enhance farm production
  • maintain the gains of previous or existing possum control.

Waikato Regional Council contracts all possum control work, which is funded via rates.  Scrutiny is applied to every tender/contract situation to ensure that work is cost effective to ratepayers and is carried out following due process. Continued innovation is encouraged with the aim of improving the quality of the work carried out, results on the ground, customer satisfaction, accountability and value for money.

What you need to know as a land occupier

The factsheet below provides background information on what you can expect from Waikato Regional Council and its possum control contractors, and vice versa.  Some frequently asked questions are also included.

Insight newsletter

'Insight' is our newsletter that keeps landowners in PPCAs in touch with what is happening in PPCAs throughout the region. You can read the latest issue, below. 

We can also email you when the latest newsletter is out - just register with us for email updates. Easy!

Where are the priority possum control areas?

We have a map of the region that shows the locations and ID numbers of our PPCAs. 

You can view it as an online interactive map, via the link below, or you can view and download the map in the newsletter link above.