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Find out your rates

Please note

The property rating information available from the search is an indication only and based on the Rate Setting Report 2024/25 adopted by Council.

This information should not be used for settlement purposes.


You can use our online calculator tool to find out what your regional rates will be for the 2024/2025 financial year. You can also compare them with last year's rates.

You need to enter either the property address or its valuation number.

Need more information?

  • If you are looking for rating information from a different time period, please contact our friendly Rates team.
  • For more information on how Waikato Regional Council sets its rates, check out our 'General information and frequently asked questions' page. See the link on this page.
  • If you still can't find the information you're looking for, just call the Rates team!
Use the calculator to find out your rates