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Our Whitianga office will be closed to the public on Wednesday, 22 January. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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Planting, waterways and wetland management

Tax breaks for riparian planting

From July 2013, riparian plantings by farmers are tax deductible as an operational expense instead of being classified as capital expenditure.

A change to the Income Tax Act explicitly allows deductions for plantings to “prevent or mitigate discharges into water courses or water bodies”. The provision is available to trees, shrubs and other plantings.

The Government says the new measure will encourage farmers to plant trees and shrubs in riparian strips along creeks and rivers, thereby increasing natural habitat and reducing the amount of sediment and nutrients entering waterways.

Waikato Regional Council also offers grants of up to 35 per cent of the cost of fencing off waterways and riparian plantings on farms in priority catchments.

For more advice on planting and fencing issues, contact a council land management officer on 0800 800 401.

Waterway crossings

Find out how well-designed and maintained tracks and raceways are one of the secrets to a productive farm business. They make it quicker and easier to get around the farm, reduce wear and tear on farm vehicles, and help prevent lameness in stock. Good tracks and raceways also improve water quality by keeping dirty runoff out of waterways.