Have further questions?
If you have any further questions about our regional freshwater farm plan rollout, please send them to our Primary Sector Support and Engagement team at pie@waikatoregion.govt.nz and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
To learn more about our online training resources for Farm Environment Plans head to our training platform.
Knowing your catchment context, challenges and values (CCCV)
We are compiling CCCV information for each freshwater management unit (FMU) in the Waikato region. This information will help you to consider the unique environmental features, current environmental health status, cultural values/practices and important recreational sites of your catchment when developing your freshwater farm plan.
Middle and Upper Waikato areas
We have temporarily paused development of the catchment context, challenges and values (CCCV) for the other Waikato freshwater management units.
If you have any questions about catchment context, please email pie@waikatoregion.govt.nz
To ask for help or report a problem, contact us
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