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Exceedances of PM10

Waikato Regional Council measures the amount of PM10 (very fine particles smaller than 10 microns) in selected airsheds. 

The national environmental standard is breached when 24 hour average PM10 levels exceed 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air (ug/m3) two or more times in a 12-month period. When this happens, we are required to publicly notify the breach and may put in place restrictions on fireplace use. Industrial discharges may also be affected.

In winter, most PM10 in Tokoroa and Te Kūiti comes from smoke from wood burning fires in homes. It is small enough to get into people’s lungs and can cause serious health problems. Burning only dry wood in a compliant woodburner can reduce PM10.

Below are records of the most recent exceedances.

Recent exceedances for Tokoroa, Te Kūiti, Taupō and Putāruru