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Rates - General information and frequently asked questions

Your rates invoice

Waikato Regional Council's rates are invoiced once a year. The income is used to manage a variety of activities within the region. 

Your rates invoice sets out how much is owed, including any balances carried forward from last year. Your rate assessment notice shows how the regional rates for your property are calculated, and which regional rates are applied to your property.

We've answered some of your questions about Waikato Regional's rates, below. If you need more help, contact our friendly Rates team.

read our long term and annual plans for more information on your rates

General questions and information

Some of the more regular questions we get asked are below.  To see an answer, just expand (click) the + next to the question.

Rates resolution and rates assessment notice

Rates are struck each year in a Council meeting. The rates resolution details the report and recommendations to Council.

We include rates assessment brochure with rates invoices.  This brochure contains general rates information and remission and postponement policies.

What are the different charges and rates on my invoice? What do they pay for?

Your rates invoice will be made up of a number of different general and targeted rates and charges. Read more about these, below.

  • The general rate is applied on a capital value basis. It covers the cost of activities of public benefit where no other direct source of revenue is identified.

    The general rate funds work in a number of activity areas. Click to read more about each one: