Policies and plans - the consultative process
For most policy and plan documents the level of legal effect they have changes as they move through the consultative process. For example, provisions in ‘proposed plans’ have legal status when considering resource consent applications. The degree of weight given to those provisions varies depends on how far through the formal submission process the relevant plan is and whether or not that provision has been opposed in submissions or appeals.
Learn more about the consultation and different stages our policy and plan documents can go through. The legal status of the provisions within these documents increases as they move from the initial discussion stage to the operative stage.
Resource Management Act 1991
Local Government Act 2002
Waikato Regional Council also carries out consultation activities required under the Local Government Act 2002.
For example, Waikato Regional Council is committed to ensuring that effective consultation is undertaken with members of the regional community. Our 'WISE Consultation Strategy' promotes opportunities for participation in general decision-making processes by encouraging the most effective and efficient ways of consulting. This strategy closely follows the decision-making and consultation principles of the Local Government Act 2002. A copy of the strategy can be downloaded in PDF format from our Local Governance Statement.
The Local Government Act also describes a 'Special Consultative Procedure' - a statutory minimum procedure that local authorities must follow when making particular decisions. This procedure must be used, for example, for the adoption of a Long-Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP). The steps involved include:
- preparation of a Statement of Proposal and a Summary
- public consultation including consideration of written and oral submissions
- deliberation in an open meeting of the council.
The Department of Internal Affairs oversees the implementation of the Local Government Act. For more information on decision-making and consultation processes and getting involved with your council, check out their website.
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