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Waikato Regional Coastal Plan

The Waikato Regional Coastal Plan (RCP) was made operative in 2005 (the operative plan).

The operative plan contains policy and methods to manage the allocation and use of coastal resources.

What area does the plan cover?

The plan applies across the coastal marine area (CMA) of the Waikato region, from the line of mean high water spring (MHWS) out to 12 nautical miles (approximately 20 km). Where the line of MHWS crosses a river, the landward boundary is determined by whichever is the lesser of one kilometre upstream from the mouth, or the point upstream calculated by multiplying the width of the river mouth by five. The CMA boundary has been fixed by agreement between the district council, Waikato Regional Council and the Minister of Conservation for some rivers – refer to Schedule 4.

Proposed Waikato Regional Coastal Plan

A proposed new plan was notified for public submissions in August 2023. Certain rules had immediate legal effect upon notification and should be considered alongside the operative plan. Hearings are currently in progress.

Read the Regional Coastal Plan

Click on the link below to access the plan online. 

  • You will need to select 'Waikato Regional Plan' from the list of regional plans available.
  • You need to use Microsoft Edge or Chrome as your web browser. E-plan does not work on Internet Explorer.

Please note that Waikato Regional Council no longer maintains a register of plan holders or provides an update service, as updates are now electronic via the online version website, below.

As a result of the realignment of the boundary between the Waikato Regional Council and the Auckland Council, the area between Kaiaua and Matangarahi was transferred from Auckland Council to the Waikato region. Until the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan is amended through the Plan Review to address this area, the planning documents prepared by the Auckland Regional Council (as at 1 November 2010) continue to apply. The relevant planning documents for this part of the Waikato coastal marine area are the Auckland Transitional Coastal Plan, the Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal, and Variation 2 to the Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal.

Variations and plan changes

  • Waikato Regional Council accepted a private plan change request to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan from Pare Hauraki Kaimoana. The private plan change was made operative on 22 January 2025.

    Plan Change 2 (Private) adds a new standalone rule in Chapter 16 (16.5 Marine Farming) of the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan to provide for subsurface anchor lines and anchor structures, along with any associated seabed disturbance to be located outside of the Coromandel Marine Farming Zone (CMFZ) where they anchor an aquaculture structure that is located wholly within the surface of the CMFZ, as a discretionary activity.

    There is also an amendment to Rule 16.5.6 to make it explicit that such structures are not a prohibited activity.

    Learn more about Plan Change 2 (Private) - Pare Hauraki Kaimoana.