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Technical reports

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Summary of ground water information for consideration by the Collaborative Stakeholder Group
TR 2018/37, Tony Petch
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Short term field investigations of groundwater resources in Waipa River Catchment - January to April 2015
TR 2018/36, Zara Rawlinson, Kolja Schaller, Marc Andri Riedi, Molla Bekele (GNS Science Consultancy)
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Review of historical land use and nitrogen leaching: Waikato and Waipa catchments
TR 2018/35, Neale Hudson, Sandy Elliott, Benjamin Robinson, Sanjay Wadhwa (NIWA)
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Prediction of subsurface redox status for Waikato healthy rivers - plan for change: waiora he rautaki whakapaipai project
TR 2018/34, Murray Close
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Groundwater resource characterisation in the Waikato River catchment for Healthy Rivers project
TR 2018/33, P.A White, C Tschritter, Z Rawlinson, M Moreau, K Dewes, S Edbrooke (GNS Science) 
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Groundwater field investigations over the 2014-15 summer in support of the Healthy Rivers project
TR 2018/32, John Hadfield
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Estimation of lag time of water and nitrate flow through the vadose zone: Waikato and Waipa River catchments
TR 2018/31, Scott Wilson and Ali Shokri (Lincoln Agritech Ltd)
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Matauranga Maori and integrated assessment

Mātauranga Māori knowledge networks
TR 2018/42, Antoine Coffin (Te Onewa Consultants)
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Integrated assessment two: Achieving water quality for swimming, taking food and healthy biodiversity. Assessment of scenario 1 steps 10%, 25% and 50% from case 1 of modelling round two.
TR 2018/41, Liz Wedderburn, Antoine Coffin
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Integrated assessment one: Assessment of scenarios from modelling round one
TR 2018/40, Liz Wedderburn, Antoine Coffin
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Healthy Rivers project - comment on employment and vibrant resilient communities indicators
TR 2018/39, Dr William (Bill) Cochrane, Dr Mathew Roskruge
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Baseline Report
TR 2018/38, Liz Wedderburn, Antoine Coffin
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Nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll

Nutrients and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) in the Waikato River
TR 2018/46, Healthy Rivers Technical Leaders Group
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Nutrient reduction bioassays in the Waikato River
TR 2018/45, Dr Max Gibbs, Glenys Croker (NIWA)
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Nutrient limitation of algal biomass in the Waikato River
TR 2018/44, Piet Verburg (NIWA)
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Assessment of Waikato River nutrient limitation: Peer reviewed key findings of WRC and DairyNZ studies
TR 2018/43, Vicki Carruthers
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Scenario modelling

Simulation of the proposed policy mix for the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process
TR 2018/59, Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato) and John M. Quinn, Bob J. Wilcock, Neale Hudson (NIWA)
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Sheep and beef data adjusted for average schedule price and expenditure
TR 2018/58, Femi Olubode
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Evaluation of scenarios for waterquality improvement in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments - Assessment of second set of scenarios 24 September 2015
TR 2018/57, Graeme Doole (University of Waikato), Sandy Elliott (NIWA) and Garry McDonald (Market Economics Ltd)
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Economic evaluation of scenarios for water-quality improvement in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments - Assessment of first set of scenarios 24 August 2015
TR 2018/56, Graeme Doole (University of Waikato), Sandy Elliott (NIWA) and Garry McDonald (Market Economics Ltd)
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Regional- and national-level economic impacts of the proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change No.1— Waikato and Waipa River Catchments
TR 2018/55, Garry McDonald (Market Economics Limited) and Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato)
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Prediction of water quality within the Waikato and Waipa River catchments in 1863
TR 2018/54, Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato) and Neale Hudson, Sandy Elliott (NIWA)
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Model structure for the economic model utilised within the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process
TR 2018/52, Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato)
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Land use conversion costs for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project
TR 2018/51, Perrin AG Consultants
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Evaluation of scenarios for waterquality improvement in the Waikato and Waipa River catchments - Business-as-usual assessment
TR 2018/49, Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato)
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Economic Impacts of the Healthy Rivers Initiative - Freshwater Management Unit, Regional and National Assessment
TR 2018/48, Market Economics Limited
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Description of mitigation options defined within the economic model for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project - Description of options and sensitivity analysis - 28 September 2015
TR 2018/47, Graeme J. Doole (University of Waikato)
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Surface water

Water Quality Attributes for Healthy Rivers: Wai Ora Plan Change
TR 2018/66, Mike Scarsbrook
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Waikato River suspended sediment: loads, sources & sinks
TR 2018/65, Andrew Hughes (NIWA)
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Refined classification of land characteristics to assist economic modelling
TR 2018/64, Sanjay Wadhwa, Sandy Elliott (NIWA)
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Modelling Nutrient Loads in the Waikato and Waipa River Catchments - Development of catchment-scale models
TR 2018/63, Annette Semadeni-Davies, Sandy Elliott, Sharleen Yalden (NIWA)
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Modelling E. coli in the Waikato and Waipa River Catchments Development of a catchment-scale microbial model
TR 2018/62, Author
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Extracting NZeem-estimated sediment yield data for Agribase farm boundaries within HRWO catchments
TR 2018/61, Harley Betts (Landcare Research (NZ) Ltd)
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A methodology for chlorophyll and visual clarity modelling of the Waikato and Waipa River
TR 2018/60, Sharleen Yalden, Sandy Elliott (NIWA)
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