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West Coast Zone catchment management plans

We have begun a project to develop catchment management plans for Whāingaroa, Aotea and Kāwhia harbours. Catchment management plans are a way for people to share what they want their natural environment to be like in the next 20 to 50+ years.

Enhancing our land, fresh water and coastal environs is a priority for Waikato Regional Council. These plans are intended to guide Waikato Regional Council, iwi, communities and other stakeholders in the implementation of catchment restoration activities.

Map showing West Coast harbours catchment zones

Catchment management area

 Three catchments totalling 117.500ha (28% of the West Coast Zone)

    • Raglan 52,600ha
    • Aotea 16,900ha
    • Kāwhia 48,000ha
  • 18 sub-catchments, 1780km of streams and rivers, 75% steep and 25% flat-rolling land
  • 40% native vegetation
  • Rich cultural heritage and regionally and nationally significant features.