Your council, your choice
The council is the governing body for Waikato Regional Council. The council is elected every three years by eligible voters who live in the areas that the councillors represent.
There are 14 councillors, made up of 12 general seats and two Māori seats. Electors that are on the general roll for national election cast a vote for candidates standing in general seats. Electors that are on the Māori roll vote for candidates standing in the Māori seats.
The chair and deputy chair are appointed by the council when it takes office. Councillors then meet monthly (or as required) in committees and subcommittees to look closely at the issues and make decisions on or recommendations to the council.
The full council generally meets on the last Thursday of each month to consider recommendations and make decisions on a wide variety of activities and policies.
Electoral system (FFP or STV)
The Local Electoral Act offers the choice between two electoral systems for local authority elections: first past the post (FPP) and the single transferable vote (STV).
Councils have the option to decide whether to stay with their current electoral system (either FPP or STV), or whether to change to the alternative system for the next triennial election. This decision must be made two years prior to the next election.
Notice in relation to electoral system
This is notice (required by section 28 of the Local Electoral Act 2001) of:
- A decision of Waikato Regional Council resolved on 31 August 2023 as follows:
That having considered its requirements under, and the principles of, the Local Electoral Act and the details of the options available in relation to the nature of the region and its electors, Council resolves to retain the status quo and continue to use the First Past the Post electoral system.
- The right to demand a poll under section 29 of the Local Electoral Act 2001 to countermand that resolution.
Further information may be obtained by phoning 0800 800 401.
Information from elections - results and candidate expense returns
You can view information on electoral expenses and donations, below. Other election information, including results from previous elections, can be provided to you on request. Just contact us, and ask.
(Note, there was a by-election in 2017.)
2022 Election results
115 KB
2022 Return of electoral expenses and donations
11 MB
2019 Election results
149 KB
2019 Candidate election expenses returns
1.9 MB
2019 Return of electoral expenses and donations
103 KB
2017 Candidate election expenses returns
38 KB
2017 Return of electoral expenses and donations
5.2 MB
2016 Candidate election expenses returns
60 KB
2016 Return of electoral expenses and donations
2 MB
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