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Local authority elections are being held in October 2025

This will be your opportunity to either become a candidate to sit at the decision-making table of Waikato Regional Council or to vote for the person who you think will best represent your interests and views.

Stay tuned

As we gear up for local elections, we will provide regular updates so you can participate in local elections for the Waikato region. We’ll provide information about:

  • - the roles and responsibilities of this regional council
  • - the requirements and commitments of regional councillors
  • - all the candidates who will stand for local election in 2025.

 Key dates

  • - Friday 1 July: Nominations open
  • - Friday 11 July: Pre-election period commences
  • - Friday 1 August: Nominations close
  • - Tuesday 9 September to Monday 22 September: Voting documents
      delivered to electors
  • - Saturday 11 October (noon): Election day
  • - Saturday 11 October to Thursday 16 October: Official count
  • - Thursday 16 October to Wednesday 19 October (or as soon as practicable): 
       Declaration of results

What we do

Improving water quality, enhancing the health of our coastal and marine ecosystems, protecting and restoring our unique native plants and animals and the ecosystems they live in, keeping people safe on our roads and waterways as well as from floods and other hazards, and providing passenger transport services.

We do all this, and more.

If it matters to you - information for candidates

Every decision made by councillors significantly impacts the lives of Waikato residents, today and for the future. Elected members have the responsibility to represent the interests of all residents and ratepayers in the region, going beyond their immediate constituencies.

Do you have what it takes to sit at the decision-making table of Waikato Regional Council?


Start your elections journey