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Te Pae Tiaki Taiao ā Rohe Advisory Committee for the Regional Environment (ACRE)

The Advisory Committee for the Regional Environment | Te Pae Tiaki Taiao ā Rohe (or ACRE) was originally formed in 1989. Its members represent or have associations with many environmental and conservation groups regionally and nationally. 

ACRE'S Purpose and Principles


To provide independent, qualified environmental advocacy, by supporting effective climate mitigation and adaptation and by promoting the protection, preservation, conservation, and enhancement of:

  • the life supporting capacity of air, water, soil, and ecosystems – especially indigenous vegetation and fauna and their habitats and biological diversity.
  • the natural character, features, and landscapes.
  • those qualities and characteristics that contribute to people’s appreciation of the pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, cultural and recreational attributes of New Zealand and in particular the Waikato region.
  • Network, advocate, and promote conservation and good environmental practices in the region.

Act as a forum for ideas and concerns on environmental matters and as a stakeholder and community reference group for Regional Council.

Monitor progress on any environmental matters and recommend on any matters that need extra investigation and research.

Advise the Regional Council on environmental policy.

Alert the Regional Council to environmental matters in need of attention.

Advocate to Central government on matters of environmental concern to the region.

Collaborate with groups sharing similar aims and identifying potential partnership initiatives


Promote Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi, including the responsibilities, promises and obligations outlined in the articles.

The activities and business of ACRE shall be conducted in an open and transparent manner in pursuit of the Purpose.

Committee members


Term end date


Anna Casey-Cox, Hamilton (Chairperson) February 2027 Whakamana ki Rotoroa
Te Ohu Whakaita (Matariki ki Waikato)
John Badham February 2027 Riverlea Environment Society
Mangaonua Gully Care Group
Malcolm Green Ongoing (as required) former NIWA employee and expert on estuarine, coastal and marine science
Elisapesi Havea End of 2024 Methodist Church of New Zealand Climate Action
Shepherd Isaac End of 2024 Hillcrest Stadium
Kirikiriroa Restoration Network
Whakamana ki Rotoroa
Keri Thompson End of 2024 Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust
Kristel van Houte End of 2025 Karioi Project
A Rocha Aotearoa NZ
Wiea Montemezzani End of 2026 Whāingaroa restoration groups
Rachel Thompson End of 2026 Kids Greening Taupō
Craig Solomon February 2027 Ngāti Maru Runanga

Joining the committee

Have a keen interest in environmental issues? Already linked in with other community groups or organisations in the region? You could be the next member of ACRE!

Members are appointed from around the region and meetings are held monthly in Hamilton.

Complete this nomination form to register your interest now.

Meet the members

Anna Casey-Cox

Tēnā koutou katoa. I ahu mai ōku tūpuna i County Limerick, i County Cork, i Lydd, i Kōtirana hoki. I tupu ake ahau i raro i te maru o Maungakawa. Kei Kirikiriroa ahau e noho ana. Ko Anna tōku ingoa.

Anna has been involved in a number of restoration, food growing and environmental projects in Kirikiriroa Hamilton. Anna worked at Go Eco for almost a decade and through this work had regular engagement with the various gully restoration groups and community gardens in the city. Alongside community, Anna started the advocacy group - Whakamana ki Rotoroa. This group continue to champion the restoration of Lake Rotoroa in Kirikiriroa. Anna is a board member of Te Ohu Whakaita (Matariki ki Waikato) and leads an Eco Church initiative at Chartwell Cooperating Church. Anna’s PhD focused on noticing oppression and privilege in the context of community gardening and life. Anna is an active cycling and public transport advocate and enjoys biking or busing to her work and community meetings as much as possible. Anna is currently a first term Councillor at Hamilton City Council and the Deputy Chair of the Community and Natural Environment Committee.

Wiea Montemezzan

Wiea works as an ecologist in New Zealand with a keen interest in working with bats and cryptic wetland birds. During her work as an ecology consultant, she has worked on several Significant Natural Area (SNA) and Biodiversity inventories for Regional, District, and City Councils. Through her work, Wiea has developed a good understanding of biodiversity values, potential, and issues in the Waikato Region and is keen to see improvements happen to better the state of biodiversity.

In her spare time, you will find Wiea volunteering for a local restoration group helping with seabird monitoring and undertaking pest control, doing a range of water sports along the Raglan coast, or spending time in the garden with her adventurous toddler.

Malcolm Green

Dr Malcolm Green was Principal Scientist for estuaries and coasts at NIWA. He is a certified Resource Management Act Decision Maker, and has served on panels hearing applications for consents for large coastal development projects. Malcolm currently works for himself (, providing expert advice on estuarine, coastal and marine science.