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Mangatawhiri compartment 3 pump station upgrade

Funded: $324,000
Total cost: $945,000
Project starts: 2024/25
Project ends: 2026/27

This upgrade includes the replacement of an aged and poorly designed dual inlet of a pump station in the Mangatawhiri catchment, near Pokeno, and the construction of an isolation/sluice gate to improve access and safety requirements to the existing Archimedes screw pump for maintenance work.

Project benefits
This work supports continued operation of the pump station and provides improved resilience to increased frequency and severity of rainfall events due to climate change, while maintaining the required level of service.

A previous performance issue with the pump, and the inability to access it easily for maintenance during the wet weather event, had resulted in significant cropping loss on the protected land.

Using the land for agriculture supports the local, regional and national economy through employment and production.

Status update:

  • Concept design near completion.
  • Procurement of construction service for inlet underway.
  • Construction of the duty pump station platform is underway.

Mangatawhiri pump station will get a new inlet and access area for pump maintenance.