Lower Waikato stopbank upgrades
Funded: $5.22m
Total cost: $10m
Project starts: 2024/25
Project ends: 2026/27
This project involves raising the levels of up to 13.8 kilometres of stopbanks in the Tūakau area in the lower Waikato River catchment to allow for protection against a one in 100-year flood event. The stopbanks provide peace of mind for communities living in high-risk areas from Huntly to Port Waikato. The upgrade is the result of a scheme review that aims to maintain our existing level of service commitment to these communities.
Project benefits
The infrastructure upgrade is critical for ongoing flood protection. This work will reduce the likelihood of the impacts from flooding, not only to the communities that live in the area, and the townships, but also to those who travel through the lower Waikato catchment via the state highway, roads and main trunk line.
By raising the crest height of the stopbanks to meet design levels, this infrastructure will continue to provide the level of protection they were designed for and agreed to by the communities at risk.
The project allows for continued employment within the agricultural sector and the townships of this area, which in turn supports the local economy. It also enables the continued development and building of infrastructure (for example, roads, internet, electricity, schools) required to support the communities in the lower Waikato catchment.
Work in progress.
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