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Rules and regulations

A Government-commissioned panel of scientists have reviewed the nitrogen modelling tool Overseer and have found shortcomings. 

Learn more about the Overseer review and how it will impact the Waikato region. 

What's going on in your area?

We've divided the region up into the eight catchment management zones, for service delivery. Find out your zone area, who your local contacts are, and what's going on.

where's your zone?

More information

What direction does the water flow?

Listen to Stu Kneebone and Norm Barker talking about land and water policy development a few year's back, on Radio New Zealand's Country Life programme.

Listen to the podcast

Growing maize on dairy farms

Read 'Best Management Practices for Growing Maize on Dairy Farms', published by the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)

Dairy NZ guidance and documentation

DairyNZ provides information on everything from designing and building effluent systems to management, operation and compliance. The goal of this is to maximise the reuse farm dairy effluent (FDE) nutrients on pasture, while minimising adverse impacts on the environment. 

The dairy effluent code of practice was developed with input from Waikato Regional Council. This document is supported as the standard for a dairy effluent system. It guides designers through the process of developing a FDE system, from initial site investigation through to commissioning of the final system. It provides a general design approach, including lists of things that must be taken into consideration.

Institute of Professional Engineers - farm dairy effluent system design and construction

The Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and Dairy NZ have worked together to develop the folloing good practice guidelines for professional engineers and other technical specialists who are involved in the design and construction of farm dairy effluent systems.

  • Practice Note 21: Farm Dairy Effluent Ponds
  • Practice Note 27: Farm Dairy Infrastructure
  • Practice Note 29: Dairy Housing

 You can read the practice notes on the Engineering NZ website, here.