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Prosecution initiated over piggery effluent discharges

Published: 22/08/2023

Waikato Regional Council has initiated a prosecution against a piggery farm near Te Aroha following an investigation into the discharge of effluent into a stream.

The prosecution has been taken under the Resource Management Act and comes as a result of an active investigation by the council into alleged ongoing, uncontrolled and unauthorised discharges to both land and water over the past six months.

It’s alleged the effluent entered the Patuwhao Stream which flows to the Waihou River, resulting in the council urging downstream landowners with surface water takes to exercise caution until the risk passed.

An interim Enforcement Order from the Environment Court, issued by Judge Melinda Dickey on Friday, 4 August, remains in place. It requires the piggery company to cease discharging a contaminant onto land in circumstances which may result in it entering water.

Regional Compliance Manager Patrick Lynch said staff had been carrying out regular inspections of the site.

“There has been some improvement. The volume and frequency of the discharges has decreased, though there is still work to do and we will continue to monitor activities on the site.

“It’s important we do not jeopardise the matter before the court, so we will not be able to provide any further detail at this time,” said Mr Lynch.

Waikato Regional Council responds to a piggery effluent discharge in August 2023.

Waikato Regional Council responds to a piggery effluent discharge in August 2023.