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2023/24 Mahere ā-Tau Annual Plan

PS 2023/14

Image - cover of annual plan Waikato Regional Council's 2023/24 Annual Plan | Mahere ā-Tau is our statement to the community about our proposed finances and service performance from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Annual plans are largely determined by our long term plan (LTP), although strategic adjustments are sometimes required to ensure planning remains responsive to near-term opportunities and challenges.

For 2023/24, we stuck closely to the programme we signalled in our 2021-2031 LTP. An annual budget of $201.943 million was set. This represents an increase in total rates revenue from current ratepayers of 5.4 per cent. While the increase exceeds the 1.6 per cent forecast in the council’s 2021-2031 LTP, it does sit below the current level of annual inflation which, at the time this budget was set, was above 30-year highs at 7.2 per cent.

The 2023/24 Annual Plan was adopted by Council on 29 June 2023.


Section 1: Whakaritea te wāhi | Setting the scene

Kōrero matua | Message from the chairperson and chief executive

Me pēwhea te pānui i tēnei mahere ā-tau | How to read this document

Tō tātou rohe | Your region

Ngā putanga ā-hapori | Community outcomes

He taiao mauriora | Healthy environment

He hapori hihiri | Vibrant communities

He ōhanga pakari | Strong economy

Te Ture Whaimana o te Awa o Waikato | Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River

Te whakaāheitia o Ngaī Māori | Facilitating Māori participation

Kaupapa kore pūtea | Unfunded mandates

Ngā tīpako pūtea | Financial highlights 2023/24


Section 2: Ko ngā mahi-ā-rōpū | Groups of activities

Ko ngā mahi-ā-rōpū | Groups of activities


Section 3: Pūtea | Finances

Ngā tauākī pūtea ki te pae | Prospective financial statements

Ngā tauākī pānga pūtea mā te kāhui mahi | Funding impact statements by group of activity

Te tauākī pānga pūtea ā-tau 2023/24 | Annual funding impact statement for 2023/24

Te rārangi o ngā nama me ngā utu | Schedule of fees and charges

Ngā pānga ā-reiti mō ngā whenua tauira | Rating impacts for sample properties